October 16/17 2024 – Subterranean Changes at Art Explora Festival, Rabat

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October 16th, 20h, Institut Français, Rabat

Subterranean Changes – An electroacoustic concert by Ahmed Essyad and Gilles Aubry


An electroacoustic concert by Ahmed Essyad and Gilles Aubry at the Salle Gérard Philipe, Institut Français de Rabat. The programme concert highlights the convergence of traditional and avant-garde music in Morocco. Ahmed Essyad’s electronic compositions, dating from the 1970s, evoke the popular music heard in Moroccan villages in the late 1950s. Gilles Aubry plays with modular synthesizers and an artificial intelligence sound generator. His piece is inspired by the song L’Makina by Haj Belaïd, a Chleuh raïss (poet-singer) from the 1930s.

October 17th, 15h, Fort Rottembourg, Rabat, Morocco

Eart_ض , sound listening session with the Qanat and Zaira Oram collectives

Eart_ض is a collaborative research project developed by Zaira Oram collective (CH) & QANAT collective (MA), and taking place between Switzerland and Morocco in exchange with Palestine. The research project arose from a necessary reflection on the present time. Today, an increasing number of people have a residual relationship with the earth, because of the hectic times we live in and because of still expanding centralized urban spaces that often do not welcome nature. Our society is increasingly losing its roots, the practice of listening between human beings and between humankind and the earth is lacking. The increasing loss of the memory of rurality distances us from an ancient wisdom, which still remains the heritage of a few.
