Oct 12 2023 – IMPULSE Festival Halle

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Oct 12 2023 – IMPULSE Festival Halle

Atlantic Ragagar (Aubry, 2022) will be screened as part of IMPULSE Festival 2023 (Halle and Leipzig), followed by a Q&A. 12.10.2023, 20.00 – 22.00 Uhr Location: Zazie Kino Halle https://impulsfestival.de/2023/programm/impuls-kino-1/

Sept 1st 2023 – Opening of SpeicherN at SILO Potsdam

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Sept 1st 2023 – Opening of SpeicherN at SILO Potsdam

  Aubry’s video Atlantic Ragagar is part of the SpeicherN group show in Potsdam, Sept 1-29.2023. https://speichern.art/ Ladestrasse 1 14558 Nuthetal OT Bergholz-Rehbrücke Formerly built as a sign of FORTSCHRITT, now abandoned and unused. The SPEICHER tells of a time when the GDR and its collectivization structure had a future. WHEREAS storing as a CONDITION ...

August 20 2023 – Presentation at Time to Listen Festival, ADK Berlin

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August 20 2023 – Presentation at Time to Listen Festival, ADK Berlin

Time to Listen – The Ecological Crisis in Sound and Music Festival with an exhibition, concerts, workshops for children and teenagers, open-space symposium, presentations and a community day in Moabit 18 August – 3 September 2023 Akademie der Künste, Hanseatenweg, Berlin https://www.adk.de/en/projects/2023/time-to-listen/ Sawt, Bodies, Species – Ecological voices and interspecies performance, open session by Gilles ...

July 9th 2023 – Book launch and live set at BEEK Hamburg

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July 9th 2023 – Book launch and live set at BEEK Hamburg

                                    Book launch of “Sawt, Bodies, Species – Sonic Pluralism in Morocco” (adocs 2023) + live set Rbia, Harsha, Cinta (Gilles Aubry, electronics) + live set by Pedro Oliveira + live set by Hye-Eun Kim 9.7.2023, 20h BEEK ...

June 6th 2023 – Salam Godzilla at UDK Berlin

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June 6th 2023 – Salam Godzilla at UDK Berlin

Screening of Salam Godzilla (Aubry 2019, 40:35) as part of the SoundS Reader book Launch on June 6th 2023, 5pm Lietzenburger Str. 45, 10789 Berlin Info: https://www.udk-berlin.de/studium/sound-studies-and-sonic-arts-master-of-arts/news/6-june-2023-sic-sound-studies-reader/ Program Jan Thoben: Vertigo Machines 2 channel video installation, 2013 (7’50” loop) Kathrin Scheidt: Alternative Book Cover Designs for the SoundS Reader 2022 Gilles Aubry: Salam Godzilla, Video, ...

June 1st 2023 – Premiere of “Taghia – Matriphonie de la Source” on Deutschland Radio Kultur

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June 1st 2023 – Premiere of “Taghia – Matriphonie de la Source” on Deutschland Radio Kultur

A sound composition by Gilles Aubry in collaboration with Bouchra Errahmani and Audrey Chen Premiere on Deutschland Radio Kultur, Klangkunst, June 1st 2023, 24h05! The composition highlights sung poetry and ecological voices in the Taghia Canyon in the Moroccan Atlas. It features recordings from the Nana Agouti water spring, a saint venerated as the mother ...

May 20 2023 – Book launch at ACUD Berlin

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May 20 2023 – Book launch at ACUD Berlin

Book launch of “Sawt, Bodies, Species – Sonic Pluralism in Morocco” by Gilles Aubry SA 20.5.2023, 18H ACUD Club, as part of the exhibition and concert program Notes from below. 18h00-19h30h Book presentation moderated by Kathrin Wildner Gilles Aubry presents “Sawt, Bodies, Species – Sonic Pluralism in Morocco” published by adocs Press. 20h00-21h00 Artist talk ...

May 11 2023 – Notes From Below, opening at Acud Galerie Berlin

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May 11 2023 – Notes From Below, opening at Acud Galerie Berlin

  Notes from Below 11.5 – 10.6.2023, ACUD Galerie Exhibition, concerts, presentations, discussions With Gilles Aubry, Keli Safia Maksud, Sara Ouhaddou and Simnikiwe Buhlungu. Curated by Bhavisha Panchia Notes from Below is a three-pronged project that brings together the works of artists and musicians whose research, poetics, and discursive practices are attuned to sounding out ...

Sawt, Bodies, Species – New book available on adocs Press

Sawt, Bodies, Species – New book available on adocs Press

In Sawt, Bodies, Species, Gilles Aubry offers an account on sonic pluralism in Morocco across a wide domain of activities, including archives, music, art, healing, and ecology. Sawt, in Arabic, literally means sound and voice. Sound in Morocco thus intimately relates to the body; it never quite corresponds with its modern Western counterpart as a ...

April 8th 2023 – Atlantic Ragagar at Rewire Festival

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April 8th 2023 – Atlantic Ragagar at Rewire Festival

Gilles Aubry’s film essay Atlantic Ragagar is part of Rewire festival 2023! Screening on Sat 8 Apr, 15:00 at Filmhuis Den Haag Info https://www.rewirefestival.nl/timetable?artist=atlantic-ragagar-by-gilles-aubry&day=08-04-2023