February 2nd 2020 – Nature. After Humbolt, Botanical Garden, CTM Festival,Berlin

Posted in events, News

Capture d’écran 2020-01-08 à 08.51.37


The matinee event brings together science and art: Located at various stations within the greenhouses, scientists and artists will discuss different ways of experiencing nature. The closing discussion will address how our relationship with nature has changed since Humboldt’s time.

In conversation with Miriam Akkerman, Aubry discusses his art practice as part of “Nature. After Humbolt” at the Berlin Botanical Garden, as part of CTM Festival 2020.

2.2.2020, 11-14h.

Info https://www.bgbm.org/de/event/natur-nach-humboldt-you-will-go-away-one-day-i-will-not-360deg-sound-installation-im-grossen