Ramia Beladel-The offerings#3 (from Waiting for Godot to bless me performance), 2014

Sound piece by Gilles Aubry and Ramia Beladel (2019, 39’03”)

Departing from Ramia Beladel’s long term artistic research on rituality and waiting, the piece is the result of her collaboration with Gilles Aubry in Moulay Bouchta l’Khmar, a village in the North-Eastern part of Morocco. It documents the yearly celebration of the local saint (moussem), including songs, prayers and bokharia, a healing ritual based on the powerful sound of rifles. The piece provides a stage for a new performance by Beladel, as an inner introspection and progressive reconfiguration of her own self, breath by breath, balloon after balloon.

The piece premiered at the Sonohr Radio Festival Bern 2019, and can be also accessed via the festival’s audio library:
