Special Mention for Atlantic Ragagar at Ji.Hlava IDFF 2022

“Atlantic Ragagar” (Aubry, 2022) was awarded a Special Mention in the Testimonies section at Ji.Hlava IDFF 2022. Thanks to the juries and organizers! Find the full list of awarded films here
Postcolonial Repercussions – book on Transcript publishing with a contribution by Gilles Aubry

Postcolonial Repercussions On Sound Ontologies and Decolonised Listening Johannes Salim Ismaiel-Wendt / Andi Schoon (eds.) Can sound be perceived independently of its social dimension? Or is it always embedded in a discursive network? »Postcolonial Repercussions« explores ...
Video interview with Gilles Aubry on sound artistic research

Interview part of the series “la investigación creadora” on creative, innovative and artistic research methodologies, a project by Anne Huffschmidt for the Latin American Institute of the Freie Universität Berlin. With: Gilles Aubry, Ernst Karel, Kathrin Wildner and Maria Luz Sanchez. Access the video here: https://vimeo.com/694899331 A new series by TrAndes. “La investigación creadora – ...
The Gramophone Effect on Radiophonic Space Mindmap

The Gramophone Effect (Aubry & Millis 2016) now on Mindmap on Radio Art Mindmap invites you to explore the Universe of Radio Art by means of more than 200 works covering 100 years of radiophony. It has been devised in the context of the travelling exhibition Radiophonic Spaces. https://radiophonic.space/html/mindmap.html
“Echoes of the Sakhra Encounters” on Radio Appartement 22

Full report in text, sound and image of the Sakhra Encounter, three days of public art interventions, exhibition, workshops and performances in Moulay Bouchta in North Morocco, organized by Abdljalil Saouli, Gilles Aubry and Carlos Perez Marin in March 2019. http://radioappartement22.com/2020/01/10/sakhra/
Mix for Sounds Unsaid on dublab.de

Mix for Sounds Unsaid curated by Laura Lot on dublab.de radio, now available as podcast. Made of field recordings from the Taghia gorges (South-Atlas,Morocco), including sung poetry, wedding songs, and feedback/radio improvisations made on location. https://dublab.de/broadcast/sounds-unsaid-gilles-aubry-january-2019/?fbclid=IwAR2jYAbq-mg2tDvQI6RuCr_RLqTRDOHBnNFKNdiPL2qxMi-yjvs3koQK5Mo
Listening session on Cashmere Radio Berlin

Reviewing some Moroccan recordings with Matteo Spano, as a guest of his “Zafraan Caravan” show on Cashmere radio. https://cashmereradio.com/episode/zafraan-caravan-with-gilles-aubry/
The Gramophone Effect on mixcloud

Aubry & Millis’s sound piece curated by Documenta14 now on mixcloud. More info about the piece here
July 2, 2017 – Live performance excerpt on Grauton, Radio Lora

Radio show by Karen Geyer on a 2-days workshop and presentation at the Peter Trachsel Archive in Küblis, Switzerland, in June 2017. The shows includes excerpts of live performances by Gilles Aubry, Karen Geyer, Marc Matter and Michael Hiltbrunner. Listen to the audio stream here: http://webradio.lora.ch:554/ramgen/lora/archiv/20170702.rm? or from the radio Laura website: http://www.lora.ch/sendungen/alle-sendungen?list=So21%3A+Grauton